Different digits

79 notes (0.00% of all notes) contain 2 different digits
14310 notes (0.04% of all notes) contain 3 different digits
416343 notes (1.15% of all notes) contain 4 different digits
3536522 notes (9.79% of all notes) contain 5 different digits
10980185 notes (30.40% of all notes) contain 6 different digits
13480954 notes (37.32% of all notes) contain 7 different digits
6551130 notes (18.14% of all notes) contain 8 different digits
1094027 notes (3.03% of all notes) contain 9 different digits
48626 notes (0.13% of all notes) contain 10 different digits

200211 (0.00%)3987 (0.02%)144205 (0.73%)1473268 (7.45%)5365056 (27.12%)7653758 (38.69%)4274084 (21.60%)829902 (4.19%)40400 (0.20%)
Europa68 (0.00%)10323 (0.06%)272138 (1.67%)2063254 (12.63%)5615129 (34.37%)5827196 (35.67%)2277046 (13.94%)264125 (1.62%)8226 (0.05%)
Total79 (0.00%)14310 (0.04%)416343 (1.15%)3536522 (9.79%)10980185 (30.40%)13480954 (37.32%)6551130 (18.14%)1094027 (3.03%)48626 (0.13%)

Equal digits in a row

20071153 notes (55.56% of all notes) have 2 equal digits in a row
2495526 notes (6.91% of all notes) have 3 equal digits in a row
220494 notes (0.61% of all notes) have 4 equal digits in a row
19561 notes (0.05% of all notes) have 5 equal digits in a row
1587 notes (0.00% of all notes) have 6 equal digits in a row
129 notes (0.00% of all notes) have 7 equal digits in a row
16 notes (0.00% of all notes) have 8 equal digits in a row
1 note (0.00% of all notes) have 9 equal digits in a row

In row1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x
20026916531 (34.96%)11285258 (57.04%)1442053 (7.29%)128072 (0.65%)11723 (0.06%)946 (0.00%)74 (0.00%)13 (0.00%)1 (0.00%)
Europa6397178 (39.16%)8785895 (53.78%)1053473 (6.45%)92422 (0.57%)7838 (0.05%)641 (0.00%)55 (0.00%)3 (0.00%)
Total13313709 (36.86%)20071153 (55.56%)2495526 (6.91%)220494 (0.61%)19561 (0.05%)1587 (0.00%)129 (0.00%)16 (0.00%)1 (0.00%)

James Bond 007 notes

007 in the serial number - 352235 of 36122176 notes
007 in the short code - 1428923 of 36122176 notes
007 in both serial number and short code - 11087 of 36122176 notes

This page has been created at 20.04.2024 11:51:37